Saturday, June 28, 2014

My cents worth of thoughts - Twelve Nights

"The first dog in your life will teach you so many things - it introduces you to the world of dogs, teaches you the way to love a dog, teaches you how to be a good owner and a great friend"

I hardly cry when it comes to movie. I remember the last movie i cried so badly at was The Impossible. (the real life tsunami story) oh i didn't even cried at TFIOS. But twelve night's trailer was enough to make me start tearing up. Dogs are my soft spot. If you know me well enough you know i'm not a person that cry easily (people say i don't have emotions) but when it comes to the furry little ones it's a different story altogether.

I can't even bring myself to read bad news about dogs and not get mad/ upset. That's why my friends usually don't show me or talk to me about them in fear i burst into tears right before them.

Watching the videos of twelve nights made me feel so sour and heartbroken. You see the fears in the dogs' eyes. You see how defenceless they are.

"When we see stray dogs, all we think of is if they are caught, they are sent to shelters. When no one adopts them, they are euthanised. Have we forgotten dogs have feelings they feel fear too?"

I never remembered myself being so emotional when it comes to them before i had Choco. Choco taught me so many things humans won't. He taught me the proper definition of loyalty. He taught me the definition of love. He makes coming home very happy for every single one of us. Choco never fails to greet us at the door, even if it means he have to wake up at 4am because one of us returns home late. He will be up to give you licks on your face and tell you welcome home, before going back to sleep.

I've never seen another being/ animal so willing to look past flaws and be willing to trust and love all over again. This i mean abused dogs. Stories over and over again show how dogs are willing to accept the love of another person even, they are willing to trust again after they have been abandon and abused by human once.

"I used to say that the most valuable thing i've ever purchased was dreams. But now i think the most valuable thing i can purchase is hope" - Giddens Ko

If you ask me what is something i want to change in the world, that be i hope to be able to do something for them. Anything. I've received the love of a dog more than i deserve, i want to give it back.

Animals are not things. Dogs are not things. You don't get them as and when you like it then throw them aside when you feel you are done with them. They have feelings, they lead a life like us. They  What ever did dogs do that they deserve treatments like that? Nothing.

Dogs are part of our lives, but we are everything to them. 

Here's the trailer to twelve nights btw. 

(i don't know if what i just typed made any sense at all. i just had to get it off my chest)
I hope i'm free to catch the screening next saturday. Anyone keen to join? :)

And here is something to reflect on.

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